Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, fully furnished apartments are provided. Rent and utilities are deducted from each paycheck ($200 weekly). If no sales are made, Vivint covers the cost. If you meet the 60 sale requirement, all rent taken out of pay will be reimbursed.

  • You’ll be paid weekly every Friday via direct deposit through Vivint.

  • Mornings start with a team meeting, followed by personal time. Reps then go out in car groups led by experienced reps and work in their assigned areas until 8-9 PM, depending on sales.

  • Travel money is provided to get to DC. Having a car is optional, and leadership ensures transportation for those without one.

  • Yes, reps receive stylish uniforms, including multiple shirts and jackets. Additional unique/limited edition uniforms can be earned through sales incentives.

  • Initial training is online, followed by ongoing quarterly training for all reps. Morning meetings also provide valuable sales training, and additional resources are always available.